The UK Oil & Gas Chaplaincy

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The Oil Chaplaincy Trust


This small trust has been in existence since 1990 and is administered by the UK Oil and Gas Chaplaincy Trust SCIO. Associate members of the SCIO, drawn from within the industry and other religious denominations meet several times a year to disburse funds according to individual need. Meetings can be arranged at short notice if the circumstances of an applicant are such that a quick decision is required.


Its purpose is to provide financial support to oil related industry workers, past or present, and their direct dependants, who through a wide range of circumstances such as illness, injury, mobility issues, work related injuries and illnesses fall into hardship. The Trust normally makes one off payments.


Financial support for the Trust comes from many and diverse groups. Regular contributors include individual operating companies, the IADC, Offshore Installation Welfare Funds and individuals. We are always very grateful for their support.


Awards over the years have varied between £150 and £5000. These have been made to relieve either an immediate financial need or to purchase items essential to ensuring a good quality of life. The Trust cannot offer financial assistance over a protracted period or where other Trusts or charities may be able to offer support. Each case is considered on its merits. 

How to Apply

Applicants can use the form which can be downloaded here in MS Word format or by clicking here for Adobe pdf format. Please complete the form as well as you are able and if you have any questions please contact us. If you do not have MS Word or Adobe you can download the appropriate free version of Adobe reader for your operating system by clicking here. Those unable to download the form in either format can contact the UK Oil and Gas Chaplaincy - details below.

Application forms should be completed by the intended beneficiary. Only in exceptional cases, usually for medical reasons, will the Trust consider an application which has been made on behalf of another party. Applicants will be required to provide evidence of employment within the UK Oil and Gas Industry as well as proof of current income and expenditure. All applications are treated in strict confidence.

Applicants are usually visited in their home or in hospital by the Chaplain.